October 5, 2009

Of Childhood Bruises and Healing From a Loving Father

None of us ever go through childhood without bruises and bumps received in the rough and tumble of play. Many of them leave scars, some of which are memories of a beautifully spent childhood with loving, caring parents and siblings to ease away the pain and wipe away tears.

I can vividly recall how my father had a wonderful way to help rid me of the pain of a bruised knee or injury from a fall. He had a knack of magically making the pain vanish all in a matter of a few minutes! He would ask me to first show him the injury, ask me to close my eyes, and then proceed with his magic; not that I ever really closed my eyes, I looked at the process through half-open eyes! He would lightly touch the injured part and would hold his other hand a few inches away from the bruised knee then make a circular sweeping movement round it, pretending to collect something in his fist and then make a gesture of throwing it away. He would then ask me to open my eyes and would remark, 'there goes your pain out of the window, look its gone'. And right enough this whole process really and completely relieved the pain! It also seemed so magical and filled me with wonder and awe, a feeling I sadly regret having left behind in childhood.

Now as I read Dr Richard Bartlett's Matric Energetics I look at the whole process as 'two-pointing' and the gesture of 'discarding the pain' with a deft hand movement, as a pranic healing procedure of removing painful energy and allowing fresh energy to replace it and dissolve pain.The whole act was done so playfully as he managed to bring in an element of fun into it to make a little child feel happy, loved and pain-free. When I recall those moments, it feels just wonderful to realize that many a times we do things very matter-of-factly not realizing we are into a process that ' we have learnt before' and held in our memories for recall at the right moment. That is exactly what my Dad did. If he were around and I told him about ME and Pranic Healing he would have laughed it off, being the skeptic that he was! I would have to remind him of his wonderful magic and tell him what exactly he was doing, albeit unknowingly!

After reading Dr Bartlett's book on ME and the ME website, I realize how really important it is for us to never lose track of the 'joy of feeling wonder' and to keep our tabs on that playful aspect of ourselves that gets lost as adulthood catches on. Some time back I read and enjoyed every word of a wonderful article titled: Imagination and Play are FUNdamental in Healing
By Jennifer Buergermeister, that speaks of this, at the following link:
Other interesting articles can be read at the following link:
I feel as we go through life we fragment ourselves and lose that wonderfully pristine, child-like energy with our interfering egos! Now it means having to work on ourselves to get back that wonderful sense of awe back.

I wish some Shaman would come and help me retrieve that lost 'soul energy' of play-fullness and once again feel and experience that same 'child-like wonder'. Or may be I could two-point through time travel, accessing the morphogenic field of that time and feel that childhood wonder and play-fullness return to me once again!

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