October 10, 2009

Healing a Past Life With Family Constellations

Yesterday the 'VIBES' healing group worked on a family constellation with some variation, deviating from the norm of working with the present to heal the past and set right the future. The person seeking the constellation has chronic knee pain and was regressed earlier to reveal that in a past life she was a very highly placed male, landowner who had beaten to death a worker for some wrong committed by him.

Despite several healing modalities, she is still plagued with painful knees. So we wondered if we could work through this with a family constellation by setting up the stage to enact a scene from a past life. This was a 'victim-perpetrator' kind of situation where she was the perpetrator. We decided to give it a try.

The experience was like any other only we were working with a life already lived. The person representing the 'perpetrator' experienced pain in her legs as if her knees would give way anytime. She also experienced deep guilt, anger and shame at her own behavior. She sought forgiveness of the victim, who had this feeling of' wanting the perpetrator to go down on knees' and ask forgiveness. The perpetrator also desired to seek forgiveness of the wife and family of the 'victim'. As she did this, the pain in her legs began to subside slowly. The facilitator asked her to release all her guilt, shame and sorrow (which she experienced as lump in her throat) and guided her to forgive her own self and release all negative emotions, especially the guilt she was carrying heavily from that birth.

For the 'Vibes' group this was the first experience of working through a past life with a family constellation. It felt no different from any other we had worked on before. It was only working with energies of a past life that were waiting to be released so that healing could occur for both the victim and perpetrator.

There is a strong belief among Native Americans that when an individual heals, seven generations before and seven generations after also get healed. Eventually all that a Family Constellation set up calls for; the release of negative energies that were entangled in a past life so that its affects on the future can be erased and the door ways to healing opened up for all concerned. The beauty of this kind of inner work lies in the profound group healing that is experienced.

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