December 2, 2009

No Monday Morning Blues After the Long Break

I just realised I had not blogged after the 10th of Oct. Having taken a break for a holiday, blogging got relegated to the back burner and on my return had several things to do, the main being getting back to the daily routine; not that it is dull or boring, just the usual housewifely chores and evening walks and all. But the relaxation now seems to have stretched to shameful limits and something tells me it is time to blog and once again resume my search for interesting stuff to blog about.

I guess I'll get back to it, once the rounds of weddings and celebrations has ended, but that may not be before the middle of this month.

Thankfully my group of like-minds, VIBES, meets every Monday and we continue with our healing work with Family Constellations and this is one day of the week I look forward to with eagerness , and excitement for any new learning that may happen, quite unlike the 'Monday morning blues' I used to experience during my working life, that I have now happily put behind!