July 10, 2009

This Cat Loves a Beanbag

When my daughter and son-in-law come to spend a short holiday with us, they bring their cat Jenny along. In fact wherever they go, the cat goes with them!
The first time they brought her, she was just 2 months old, small and rather wary of new places and people. It was winter and rather cold. After initial exploration of the house, she decided that going under the quilts was the best way to stay warm. She would snuggle herself under one and even get beneath ours when we were sleeping, crouching close to keep the cold away. She soon became familiar with my husband and would climb on to his chest and fall asleep! When they left, we missed her loving, warm presence.
Jenny was picked up from the roadside as a palm-sized, undernourished tiny kitten with half-burnt whiskers that was probably unknowingly abandoned by the mother and siblings. She has now grown into a grey tabby, very cute, with a distinct personality of her own, full of life and curiosity like any other cat, so domesticated that a trip outdoors can set her heart beats and pulse rate racing!
She spends her day alone when her owners are out working. The high kitchen shelf is her favorite prank spot. She loves to get in and rummage around. The shelf is therefore, put to little use. Cupboards are fun to get into and curl up in. Leave a cupboard door open and if you don't find her anywhere, she's sure to be in it! It's fun watching her sitting on the window sill, her tail swishing angrily ready to prey on the birds outside. This is one of her favorite pastimes. But come dusk, she becomes keenly alert about a footfall on the staircase, almost like a dog awaiting its master's return. And when my daughter comes home, she licks her face like a dog would, purring all the while, hardly being able to contain her joy.
She has a thing about beanbags. She just loves them. Loves to feel cosy when she settles herself in the black one that came to us as a gift from our daughter. But this time when she came over, she made it her domain and left her energy signature behind by peeing on it! My daughter says, she does the same at their home, setting her claim on the beanbag as her exclusive property!
It's almost three months now since their return and no matter how many times I have cleaned the beanbag with Savlon and disinfectant, a faint whiff of her terrritorial imprint still tickles my olfactory nerves when I settle down with a book, in its cosy comfort! I guess cats and beanbags were just made for each other!

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