May 3, 2009

The Smile of an Angel

Many incidents in our lives have the quality to remain deeply etched in our memories and leave an indelible signature of their energy, sometimes positive and sometimes otherwise! It could have been a complete stranger, who came to your rescue on that day when it was pouring cats and dogs, and you were stranded, when a stranger appeared from nowhere taking you to a safe shelter. And then when you wished to express your gratitude, he had vanished as instantly as he had appeared! It could have been a kindly, smiling, little urchin on the street who helped you carry packages to your car and refused to accept any benevolence from you, despite his impoverished state.

In 2003 my husband and I spent some time in London with our daughter who was doing her post-graduation there. We did a lot of sight seeing in London and visited a few places like Windsor, Brookwood and Isle of Wight. But most memorable was that day when we were changing trains at Holborn. In the distance I could hear soft strains of music that had an out-of-this-world quality. Only the tune was earthly and familiar: Scarborough Fair, a very popular Simon and Garfunkel number. I looked around, but there were no speakers or sound system relaying music in sight. Then where did this music come from? I wondered. As we walked along we came to a flight of stairs and there at the landing was this dear looking old person with the most heavenly smile, playing Scarborough Fair on a harp! This was the first time I set eyes on this instrument. One never comes across a harp in India. I waited and heard him play the entire melody, leaving a few coins in his hat. Commuters passing by may have been familiar with the sight of the old man but too busy to lend their ears to his music. But I was touched, touched by the soul-stirring music of his harp and the beatific smile on this cheerful but wizened old face. I could hear myself singing along, as tears of joy filled my eyes. Was he an angel from another realm come to spread joy to earthlings with music from his harp that he rendered with a rapturous smile? I still wonder!

Even today when I recall that incident my heart lights up with an instant surge of comforting energy, as I remember that dear old face and the joy he passed on to me with his smile and the music from his harp. I decided that I must listen to more harp music.

Back home in India I chanced to come across 2 CDs of Mystic Harp composed by J Donald Walters, a k a Swami Kriyanand one of the direct disciples of Shri Paramhansaa Yogananda. There is a great healing quality about this music. It uplifts my energy instantly. I particularly like his rendition of Emerald Isle, and its soul-stirring lyric, that speaks of the blessings of nature and holds a promise of hope, and reunion with the Maker. I play it when I feel low and instantly experience a change in my moods. There is something heavenly, healing and soothing about harp music or even in a stranger’s smile that can give you a fleeting experience of bliss, however ephemeral it may be! My fascination for the harp remains unchanged.

Look for angels. You are sure to find them. Many come to you in human garbs. Be sure to thank them silently in your heart. It makes them feel happy to know they count too!

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